What to wear to a job interview? You may not give it much thought, but it needs to be a priority. I find very little variation between women and men when it comes to interview attire. A standard interview uniform requires being understated. When putting together an interview uniform keep in mind you want the attention to be focused on you, your skills, abilities and authenticity. This is not the time to express your stylish side. No patterns, neon bright colors, daisy duke shorts, blue jeans, etc. Your best bet is dark slacks, light colored blouse or shirt and a jacket.
Women: A dress is optional but be sure it is something simple. If you wouldn’t wear it to see the Pope, head back to the closet and look again! Otherwise stick to a skirt, blouse and jacket or pants suit. Women your shoes should be pristine and preferably a flat or low kitten heel. No sneakers or trendy wedge sandals. Dress shoes only.
Men: A tie is a nice touch when interviewing for a formal residence. Men should always have their shirt buttoned to the top. Make sure your neck and chest hair are not visible. To complete the look, always wear a blazer, dress socks and a highly polished pair of dress shoes.
What to Wear to a Job Interview